God is relevant.
I've been pretty much in a pain medication coma all weekend down with a bad case of strep throat or something similar that makes me feel like I'm choking on my own tonsils and my ears have knives in them. I'm still pretty out of it but I wanted to share with anyone who has been following my journey with Relevant Church as their graphic designer/communication arts person (whatever I'm called) some photos from our first open house out in Williamsburg, VA this weekend. I haven't gotten a chance to hear first hand how it all went because frankly my head feels like it's a helium balloon high up in the sky but so far what I've heard is God was totally there and is definitely walking with us on this amazing journey. Check it out.
Hi, Kristyn! Kudos on your work for Relevant - awesome stuff, and so wonderful to be involved in what God is doing! :)
Suebee :)
Looks great! Get well soon, friend!!
Kristyn-I love the design you did. It sounds like things went well this past weekend! I went to the blog you had as a link, and he talked about Hope-I think I know a song about Hope that you should probably send to him:) Hope you are feeling better by now!
You know how I told you I always posted as anonymous because I couldn't remember my password? And then I went in to get a new one, and posted as Jenny, but now it has me listed as "mom" which is my old one!! Just wanted you to know it is me-Jenny!!
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